Website for every WordPress enthusiast

The current WPLift website is fast, responsive and with a clean HTML code with great SCSS structure for future scalability. The whole website was created specifically to follow the client’s needs, and the current look is evaluated as completely satisfactorily.
Not only is the look crafted according to the client’s wishes but also the functionality and the overall user experience is offering a superior online experience.
Technologies & Plugins used: WordPress, Bootstrap 4, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Sass, Gulp, ACF Pro,Toolset, Yoast.
Milan communicated well and translated the design really well into a code. As a result, the pages load extremely fast. In fact, I am amazed by the overall speed of Milan. Without even optimizing further we already got A scores from GT Metrix. It is amazing how fast WPLift was out of the box.
In addition, I love how easy it is to manage the content on the site – everything is made perfectly easy to access. Finally, the coding is very solid. The website is responsive and it looks great. Milan certainly knows what he is doing.