Creating a dashboard, landing pages and event pages for Danish startup

All the pages from the dashboard were created according to the designs the client had previously sent. Sass was used to write the CSS code and the whole structure of Sass was made according to variables in case the client wanted to make fast changes in the design in the future. The landing page was also completed as per the wishes of the client.
To create the dashboard I needed to collaborate directly with the designer who built the design and was also part of the team, and together we managed to create the Dashboard by following a neatly organised style guide.
Technologies & Plugins used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery

The main activities that were to bring success to the project [h3]
- Creating a custom pixel-perfect responsive Dashboard, easy for implementation into Laravel.
- Creating the first version of the website
- Creating landing pages
- Creating event pages
Challenges [h3]
While working for Valuer I tackled a few challenges along the way. Some of them were related to the dynamic nature of work that is present and characteristic in all startups and it was quite challenging to follow the quick changes that happen in the work environment.
Then, creating an extensive dashboard with many challenges took some time to finish but the result was a functional and easy to manage dashboard that fulfilled the expectations of the client. Other challenges included creating floating forms which appear on both sides of the screen and are responsive across all devices on the website of the client.
Client Specifics
Valuer is a leading startup engagement platform for corporations, venture capitals and accelerators that identifies, assesses, and engages with startups very fast. They are a global network that helps companies bring structure and automation.
Client Needs
With Valuer we collaborated for more than a year. The client was a startup, so all the projects were needed to be done from scratch. They needed me to work on several of their projects and the first one of them was creating a dashboard based on Laravel for the back end and Vuejs with Bootstrap 4 for the front end.
The second project I worked on for Valuer was building the website for the company. The final version was later (a year and a half) redesigned. Among the other projects, I worked on was creating a landing page of http://jointhehunt.co according to the design they already had and the project was successfully finished by working with the Back end, Development and Marketing team of the company.