Pros and Cons of Hiring an In-House SEO Team vs. Outsourcing to an SEO Agency

When looking for online visibility and high-intent traffic, CMOs and CEOs often face a critical decision: Should you build an in-house SEO team or outsource to an SEO agency? 

It’s not a small decision, and also not an easy one. 

Why is that so?

Because this decision can significantly impact your search engine rankings, lead generation, and overall marketing success. 

Because bringing SEO in-house isn’t just about hiring a few experts. 

It often means reshuffling your company’s structure, creating new roles, and budgeting for positions that weren’t in the plan. This can change the way your teams collaborate and impact your business’s daily operations. 

On the other hand, going with an agency means trusting outsiders with your brand’s online presence—a decision that comes with its own set of challenges.

And let’s not forget the marketing aspect—this choice can significantly impact your search engine rankings, lead generation, and overall marketing success.

I don’t want to say it, but this decision can make or break your business.

That’s why I wrote this blog: to ease your way into this decision. My goal is to weigh the pros and cons of each approach, helping you make an informed choice tailored to your unique business needs.

Let’s explore which path will best serve your SEO goals, whether it’s bringing SEO talent in-house or leveraging the expertise of an experienced agency.

Why Consider an SEO Agency?

Because it is better. Yes, I said what I said. 

And I mean it. SEO agencies bring along a wealth of expertise and resources that it will take you years and big money to accumulate yourself, making them a valuable asset for your digital marketing strategy.

Specialist Expertise

When you hire an SEO agency, you’re plugging into a powerhouse of specialized skills. Agencies pull together experts in everything from content marketing, SEO experts, SEO strategists, link builders, scapers to technical SEO, making sure every part of your strategy hits the mark. Each member of an agency’s team is focused on their niche, ensuring comprehensive and effective strategies.

For instance, instead of hiring a single in-house SEO specialist who might be a jack-of-all-trades but a master of none, you get access to a team of seasoned experts. This breadth of knowledge can be invaluable, especially when tackling complex SEO challenges.

Tailored Strategies

SEO agencies are great at developing customized strategies that align with your business goals. They start by conducting thorough audits and analyses to identify specific areas for improvement. This bespoke approach ensures that every action taken is designed to maximize your SEO performance.

For example, an agency might notice that your website’s technical SEO is sound, but your content strategy is lacking. They would then focus on enhancing your content to drive better results. This level of customization is hard to achieve with an in-house team that might be bogged down with day-to-day tasks.


One of the best things about hiring an SEO agency is its ability to scale. Yup, we are great at this. 

No matter if you have a small business that needs targeted campaigns or a large enterprise requiring a comprehensive SEO overhaul, we can adjust our strategies and allocate resources accordingly.

Imagine your business suddenly needs to ramp up its SEO efforts due to a new product launch. An agency can quickly mobilize a team to handle the increased workload, ensuring your SEO strategy stays on track.

Access to Advanced Tools

SEO agencies typically have access to a wide range of advanced tools and technologies that might be costly for individual businesses to invest in. From Ahrefs and SEMrush to Moz and Screaming Frog, these tools provide deep insights and analytics that are crucial for effective SEO.

Having access to these tools allows agencies to conduct in-depth analyses, track key performance indicators, and adjust strategies based on real-time data. This level of sophistication is often out of reach for in-house teams without significant investment.


We live in a world run by technology that changes at the speed of light and search engine algorithms that are frequently updated. SEO agencies stay on top of these changes, adjusting their strategies to ensure clients maintain a competitive edge.

For example, when Google releases a new algorithm update, an agency will quickly analyze its impact and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly. This proactive approach ensures that your rankings aren’t adversely affected by sudden changes.

The Drawbacks of Hiring an SEO Agency

While hiring an SEO agency can offer many benefits, it’s important to be aware of the potential drawbacks. Understanding these can help you make a more informed decision that aligns with your business needs and goals.


One common concern is the cost of hiring an agency, but let’s be real—it’s often more affordable than building an in-house team. Think about it: bringing on just a few SEO experts full-time means not only their salaries but also benefits, tools, ongoing training, and more. This can add up quickly, especially if your company doesn’t already have these resources in place.

From my experience, paying an agency can actually be a smart move for many businesses. You’re getting a team of specialists who already have everything they need to hit the ground running. And while it might seem like a big investment upfront, it’s often a fraction of what you’d spend on in-house salaries and overhead.

Plus, with an agency, you’re not locked into long-term commitments—if your needs change, you can scale up or down without the hassle of hiring or letting go of employees.

So, while the price tag might seem high at first glance, in many cases, it’s actually the more budget-friendly option.

Loss of Control

When you outsource your SEO efforts, you’re entrusting a crucial part of your business to an external party. This can sometimes lead to a misalignment between the agency’s approach and your business objectives.

For example, if an agency prioritizes quick wins to show immediate results, they might overlook long-term strategies that are crucial for sustained success. Clear communication and alignment of goals are essential to mitigate this risk.

Dependency on External Expertise

Relying on an external agency can create a dependency that might be difficult to break. If the agency decides to change its focus or you decide to bring SEO in-house later, you might find yourself lacking the necessary expertise and infrastructure.

The In-House SEO Team Advantage

Having an in-house SEO team offers a unique set of benefits that align closely with your company’s core values and operations. When your SEO team is part of your daily business environment, they develop a deeper understanding of your brand, products, and goals. This proximity can lead to more cohesive and effective strategies.

Internal Integration

An in-house SEO team is deeply integrated with your company’s culture, operations, and decision-making processes. This alignment ensures that SEO strategies are seamlessly woven into your overall marketing and branding initiatives.

For instance, an in-house team can work closely with your product development and sales teams to ensure that SEO efforts are aligned with broader business objectives. This level of integration is hard to achieve with an external agency.

Company-Specific Knowledge

In-house SEO teams possess intimate knowledge of your company’s products, services, target audience, and industry dynamics. This insider perspective enables them to develop highly customized SEO strategies that leverage your unique strengths and address specific challenges.

For example, an in-house team can quickly pivot to address changes in your product lineup or market conditions, ensuring that your SEO strategy remains relevant and effective.

Direct Communication

In-house teams have direct access to other departments, stakeholders, and decision-makers within the organization. This facilitates open communication, collaboration, and coordination across various teams, ensuring that SEO efforts are closely aligned with other business functions.

For instance, an in-house SEO team can work closely with your marketing team to create cohesive campaigns that integrate SEO, content marketing, and social media efforts.

The Drawbacks of an In-House SEO Team

An in-house SEO team can bring incredible value, but it’s not without its challenges. Managing SEO internally means relying on a small group of people to wear many hats. This can limit their ability to tackle every aspect of SEO with the depth that a specialized agency might offer.

Limited Expertise

An in-house team might lack the breadth of expertise that an agency offers. SEO is a multifaceted discipline, and it’s challenging for a small in-house team to cover all aspects effectively.

Resource Constraints

Building and maintaining an in-house SEO team requires significant resources. From hiring and training to investing in tools and technologies, the costs can add up quickly.

Scalability Challenges

In-house teams might struggle to scale their efforts quickly in response to changing business needs. This can be particularly problematic for growing businesses that need to ramp up their SEO efforts rapidly.

The Hiring Process and Team Dynamics

Remeber how long it took you to build a great team in another department of your company?

Months, years even, probably. 

 How many candidates did you sift through before finding the right people who could really move the needle? It’s no different when it comes to SEO. It takes time, effort, and resources to assemble a solid in-house team.

The hiring process can be long, tiring, and expensive. Finding real SEO experts who know their stuff and fit into your company culture is a challenge. And it doesn’t stop there. You’ll need multiple specialists—content writers, SEO strategists, link builders, and technical SEO experts—just to cover the basics of a successful SEO project.

And once you’ve got your team, you need someone to steer the ship. An SEO manager who can keep everyone on the same page, hit those goals, and make sure the team gels well with the rest of your company. This person will also need to work closely with your sales and marketing teams to keep everything aligned and moving in the right direction.

It’s a lot to handle, and it doesn’t happen overnight. But if you’re feeling frustrated by the process, just remember—you’re not alone, and persistence pays off. Keep pushing forward, and eventually, you’ll find the right mix of talent to drive your SEO efforts.

Tools and Resources

SEO demands a wide range of tools for keyword research, site audits, link building, and performance tracking. Tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, and Screaming Frog are must-haves, but they aren’t free. 

Subscriptions for these tools can cost thousands of dollars each month—costs you wouldn’t need to shoulder if you hire an agency. An agency already has access to these tools, so you get the benefits without the extra expenses.

Accountability and Responsibility

When things go wrong – if clients aren’t happy, targets aren’t met, or the SEO strategy fails to deliver – who takes responsibility? With an in-house team, the accountability falls squarely on your shoulders. This can be a heavy burden to bear, especially if your team lacks the necessary expertise or resources to turn things around.

Is It Worth the Effort?

Given the time, effort, and resources required to build and maintain an in-house SEO team, is it really worth it? Hiring an agency with trained and experienced experts can be a more efficient and cost-effective solution. Agencies come with established procedures, proven ways of working, and a track record of success stories and happy clients.

Let’s break it down:

Why Choose an SEO Agency?

  • Ready-to-go team that fits right into your existing processes
  • Access to a wide range of expertise.
  • Ability to scale and adapt to project needs.
  • Use of advanced tools for data-driven strategies.

Why Choose an In-House SEO Team?

  • Deep integration with your company’s operations and goals.
  • Direct and immediate communication.
  • Customized strategies based on intimate knowledge of your business.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the choice between an in-house SEO team and an SEO agency depends on your business needs, budget, and goals. An agency offers specialized expertise, scalability, and access to advanced tools, making it an excellent choice for businesses seeking immediate results and flexibility. On the other hand, an in-house team offers deeper integration and company-specific knowledge, which can be invaluable for long-term, cohesive strategies.

If you’re ready to take your SEO to the next level with a team of high-performance specialists who are passionate about your success, reach out to SmartClick.

 Let us help you grow your business and achieve your SEO goals.

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